Imagine a cold evening with a warm cup of tea in your hands and the refreshing scent of peppermint wafting around you. Or you want to cool off and sit down with a cold peppermint drink, in summer midday. Could it be better? Peppermint tea is one of the most popular and best-loved teas. It has great taste and indisputable health benefits. Many people enjoy this tea for its refreshing properties. There are many more secrets in peppermint leaves that are worth knowing and reveal the peppermint tea benefits. It is one of the most popular herbs and spices; growing peppermint at home is easy.
Peppermint Tea Benefits
Peppermint tea is naturally sweet and caffeine-free. It offers significant health benefits of peppermint tea:
- Improves digestion. Peppermint extract can help relieve symptoms of indigestion, like gas, bloating, and heartburn.
- It relieves headaches and migraines. Peppermint tea has muscle-relaxing properties.
- Improves breathing. Peppermint’s antibacterial properties can help fight the bacteria that cause dental plaque, which can improve breathing.
- Reduces nasal congestion. Peppermint’s anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve a stuffy nose.
- You will feel more energetic. Peppermint extract can increase energy levels.
- Reduces menstrual pain. Peppermint’s muscle-relaxing properties can help relieve menstrual pain.
- Controls bacteria. Peppermint essential oil effectively kills bacteria.
- Improves sleep quality. Peppermint tea is caffeine-free, so it can help you relax before bed.
- Controls weight. Peppermint extract can reduce appetite.
- Controls seasonal allergies. Peppermint extract can reduce allergy symptoms.
- Improves concentration. Peppermint essential oil can improve the concentration of attention.
- Easy to include in the diet. Peppermint tea is tasty, naturally sweet, and caffeine-free, making it safe to drink at any time.

What Is The Difference Between Spearmint and Peppermint?
Spearmint and peppermint—what is the difference? The main difference is that peppermint contains as much as 40% menthol, whereas spearmint has only 0.5%. For this reason, peppermint is known for its strong menthol flavor, while spearmint has a milder, slightly sweeter taste. In terms of appearance, peppermint has larger leaves with more pronounced edges, whereas spearmint has smaller, round leaves with hairy stems. Common mint is usually chosen for savory dishes, while peppermint is preferred for sweet dishes as it combines well with citrus and chocolate.
5 Peppermint Tea Recipes You Won’t Indifferent
As we already know, peppermint is rich in menthol, which gives it a cooling, refreshing taste. The plant is often used in toothpaste, sweets, and ice creams because of its pleasant effect. Peppermint goes well with a wide range of flavors, making peppermint tea health benefits a perfect base. The tea can be flavored with new ingredients.

Simple Peppermint Tea
- 1 handful of fresh peppermint leaves or 2 teaspoons of dried leaves
- 2 cups of hot water
- Sweetener (optional)
The fresh leaves take a little longer to prepare. Gently crush the fresh peppermint leaves to release the aroma. You can use a spoon or a masher to extract the aromatic peppermint oil that flavors this refreshing drink. If you are making tea from dried leaves, you can use a sieve to make it easier to remove the leaves.
Herbal teas reveal their aromas better when brewed with hot water rather than boiling water. Bring the water to a boil. Let it cool for a minute or two. Pour the hot water into a teacup and add the tea leaves.
Fresh peppermint leaves need to be steeped longer than dried leaves. Usually, 5 minutes is enough for dried leaves, while fresh leaves taste best when steeped for 8 minutes. Cover the cup with a lid to retain the aroma and moisture. The longer the leaves are steeped, the stronger the flavor. Taste after the first 5 minutes and then after 30 seconds to find the best flavor. If you wish, add your preferred sweetener or a slice of lemon.

Iced Peppermint Tea
- 2 handfuls of fresh peppermint leaves or 4 teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves
- 4 cups of hot water
- 2 freshly squeezed limes or lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons honey or brown sugar
- Ice cubes
Pick fresh peppermint leaves, wash, and drain. Gently crush to enhance the flavor. Boil water in a kettle. Cool the water for 1-2 minutes before adding the peppermint leaves. Soak the leaves for 5–10 minutes.
Remove the dried or fresh leaves with a tea strainer. Pour the prepared tea into a large glass pitcher. Sweeteners dissolve better in hot or warm water than in cold water. Add brown sugar or honey to the still-warm tea. You can use plain sugar or sugar syrups too.
Squeeze the juice of two fresh limes or lemons into the tea. Let the tea cool to room temperature. Once cool, place the jug in the fridge for 3–4 hours. Place 3–4 ice cubes in tall glasses. Pour the tea liquid into the glasses and taste.

Peppermint and Ginger Tea
- 1 handful of fresh peppermint leaves
- 2 cups of water
- 4 lemon slices
- 1 cinnamon stick
- Sweetener (optional)
In a large saucepan, add the ginger and 3 lemon slices. The other lemon slice will be used for decoration. Boil the water and reduce the heat to medium. Add the peppermint leaves, let the tea brew for 8–10 minutes. Add sweetener to the water if desired. Honey or agave syrup are excellent choices for making organic peppermint tea. You can also steep a single stevia leaf together with the peppermint leaves for a mildly sweet and all-natural taste. Use a fine sieve to remove the leaves and ginger pieces. Garnish with a lemon slice, cinnamon stick, or peppermint sprig.
Homemade Chocolate Peppermint Tea Blend
- 1/2 cup black tea
- half a cup of dried and crushed peppermint leaves
- 1/2 cup broken cocoa bean pieces
Mix everything well and store it in an airtight jar. To make tea, brew 1 tablespoon of this mixture in 300 ml of boiling water.

Peppermint Tea Flavored with Fruit
Fruity peppermint tea is indispensable in the summer. The fruit’s sweet taste contrasts with the spicy flavor of the peppermint. You can use any fruit you like. Peppermint tea is particularly delicious with berries, figs, and citrus fruits. You can also choose tree fruits, including cherries, apricots, and plums. Stone fruits such as apples and pears enhance the peppermint’s tangy flavor. You can add flowers and herbs to peppermint tea to give it an earthy flavor. Follow the recipe below using your preferred fruit or herbs.
- 1 large cup of fresh peppermint leaves
- 5 cups of boiling water
- 1 cup of fruit or 3/4 cup of herbs
- Ice cubes
Boil the water and add the fresh peppermint leaves. If you use herbs or flowers, add them immediately. Let the mixture boil and soak for 10 minutes. Strain the leaves, and let the pot cool completely. While the water is still hot, add any sweeteners you want. Add fruit or berries if desired and refrigerate for 3–4 hours. Add ice to the pitcher or a few ice cubes to the glasses. Enjoy!

How Much Peppermint Tea Can I Drink?
The good news is that peppermint tea is safe, and you can drink it several times daily. Yes, you got it right; you can enjoy it all day long without any problems! What’s more, this tea is naturally caffeine-free, which means you won’t feel too energetic after a late-evening cup, and you can rest easily. Peppermint tea has no calories. If you want something refreshing but don’t want excess calories, this tea is the perfect choice. But if you add sugar, honey, or cream, remember that the drink will already be high in calories.
Are Peppermint Drinks for Everyone?
While peppermint tea is a perfect choice for many, there are a few things to know. Some people may experience heartburn or reflux symptoms from peppermint tea. If you are allergic to peppermint or its ingredients, it is best to avoid this tea.
Peppermint tea is extremely tasty and has benefits for your health. If you enjoy warm or iced tea, peppermint tea is worth adding to your daily diet!
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