Parsley tea is a drink made from steeping parsley herbs in boiling water. The leaves of the plant are most commonly used for tea, but some recipes use the seeds and roots. Parsley tea is often used as a refreshing drink to quench thirst, nourish the body with vitamins, or help with a speedy recovery from illness. Let’s find out more about parsley tea benefits.
Parsley (Petroselinum) is a plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. This plant originates in mountainous Mediterranean countries, where it still grows wild. People cultivated parsley for a very long time, since ancient Greek times. In 16th-century Europe, it was widespread as an aromatic plant. Today, parsley is successfully grown as a cultivar throughout the world.
The chemical composition of parsley tea includes the following substances: iron, boron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, organic acids, beta-carotene, B-vitamins, vitamin E, inulin, saccharides, selenium, fluorine, copper, chromium, manganese, zinc, iodine, essential fatty acids, vitamin H, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin PP, pectin, and essential oils.
Benefits of Parsley Tea
- Regular consumption of parsley tea normalizes kidney and liver function.
- Parsley tea is suitable for mouth rinsing; it improves the condition of the gums and strengthens tooth enamel.
- This drink normalizes the level of digestive enzymes in the body, is suitable for stomach ulcers, and helps to regulate intestinal peristalsis.
- Parsley root tea has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties. This herb tea poultices heal wounds, burns, ulcers, and bruises, relieving itching and pain after insect bites.
- Parsley tea has a mild diuretic effect. It removes excess water, toxins, and heavy metal salts from the body and reduces swelling.
- This tea has a positive effect on the thyroid and adrenal glands.
- Parsley can improve the circulatory system by making blood vessels and capillaries more elastic. Folk medicine uses it to treat heart disease and lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
- Parsley tea can revitalize the facial skin. It is rich in vitamins, so it helps eliminate inflammation, under-eye bruising, puffiness, lightening freckles, age spots, and homogenize skin color. It helps to treat acne.
- As parsley is rich in iron, it is beneficial for anemia as it increases the iron level in the blood.
- In folk medicine, parsley tea is also recommended for treating inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system.
- Also, try parsley tea to reduce heavy sweating.

Parsley Herb for Liver Protection and Detoxification
The liver is essential for our overall health because it detoxifies the body, burns fat, and removes waste from the system. Liver health can be compromised and malfunction due to poor lifestyle habits and an unhealthy diet. In this case, parsley can help.
Parsley has a bitter taste. All bitter herbs stimulate the secretion of bile, which helps the liver to detoxify. Parsley produces a substance named glutathione, which protects the liver. It also lowers blood glucose levels; too much glucose can irritate the liver. Parsley binds with heavy metals and removes them from the body. This herb helps the liver’s overall health and makes our digestive and waste elimination systems work more efficiently.
Detoxifying Parsley Drink for The Liver
This drink (cocktail) with parsley detoxifies the body, stimulates the immune system, restores the liver, cleanses the body, prevents infections and inflammation, boosts the metabolism, regulates cholesterol and blood sugar, improves skin condition, and protects against cancer.
You need:
- 1 cucumber
- 2 lemons
- a handful of parsley
- 200 ml of water
Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until you have a smoothie. Drink this beverage 1-2 times a day for one month. Then, take a break for about 2 weeks and you may repeat the treatment.

Parsley Tea Benefits Men
This tea has a positive effect on the production of male sex hormones. Regular consumption of parsley tea will help men get rid of these problems:
- impotence
- hangovers
- diseases of the urinary and genital systems
- excessive sweating
- prostate inflammation
Important! In cases of digestive tract inflammation, men should refuse this tea.
Parsley Tea Benefits Women
Women and girls of all ages can include parsley tea in their diet. The tea helps women in the following cases:
- normalize the menstrual cycle
- remove harmful substances and excess fluid from the body
- relieve nervous tension
- alleviate the discomfort of menopause
- normalize the production of female hormones
Important! Parsley tea should not be used during menstruation, as it can cause heavy bleeding.
Parsley tea should also be avoided during pregnancy. The substances it contains can cause miscarriage.
Benefits of Parsley Tea for Children
Parsley tea is included in children’s diets with the following results:
- strengthen immunity
- eliminate avitaminosis
- fight off infections and viruses
- speed up recovery from scarlet fever and measles
- relieve swelling of damaged skin after bruising or itching after insect bites
- to eliminate flatulence in babies
Important! Give parsley tea to infants very carefully. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which can cause allergies and diathesis in children.

Parsley Leaves Tea
Parsley leaf tea will calm the nerves and enrich the body with vitamins. It normalizes the menstrual cycle if necessary. You need:
- a heat-resistant container
- a handful of fresh parsley leaves
- 500 ml of water
Preparation of the tea:
- Add the parsley to the container
- Bring the water to a boil and pour it over the greens
- Cover the bowl with a lid and lay a towel on it
- The tea will be ready after 10–15 minutes
You can drink this tea for a maximum of 7 days, 200 ml per day
Parsley Root Tea
This tea is suitable for infections and colds. The drink refreshes the body and destroys bacteria.
You need:
- a heat-resistant container
- a sieve to strain the tea
- 4 tablespoons of chopped parsley roots
- 500 ml of water
Preparation of the tea:
- Wash the parsley roots well and remove the skin
- Cut the cleaned roots into thin slices and place them in a heatproof container
- Cover the roots with boiling water and leave them to swell for about 10 minutes
- Strain the tea through a fine sieve and drink
It is recommended to drink no more than 200 ml of this tea per day.

Parsley Seed Tea
Parsley seeds are rich in essential oils. This tea refreshes the oral cavity and removes excess water and heavy metal salts from the body.
You need:
- a heat-resistant container
- 2 teaspoons of parsley seeds
- 200 ml of water
Preparation of the tea:
- Put the seeds in a heat-proof bowl
- Pour boiling water over the seeds
- Cover and steep for 10–15 minutes
- Strain the seeds and drink the prepared tea
Side Effects of Parsley Tea
Despite its multiple positive properties, parsley tea may be harmful, especially if consumed in large quantities. Excessive use can cause cramps, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, migraines, or intestinal upset.
Before making and consuming parsley tea, please note that it should not be consumed during pregnancy, epilepsy, gout, inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys, gallbladder disorders, or stones.
Important: If you have health problems, consult your doctor before taking parsley tea.
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