For some, linden tea is associated with hot summers and the blooming of beautiful, fragrant linden trees in city parks. For others, linden blossom tea comes from their childhood as their grandmother’s remedy for colds. So take a closer look at the linden flower tea benefits that are so familiar and used in every home.
Linden, lime, or basswood (Tilia) is a large and long-lived tree of the Malvaceae family, growing to a 28–32 m height in fertile and well-drained soil. It flowers in late June to early July. Its flowers are pale yellow and fragrant. The number of flowers per inflorescence can vary from 2 to 4 to 5 to 12 units, depending on the species.
Linden flowers have a pleasant smell and contain a lot of substances. It has 7–10% polysaccharides (galacturonic acid, glucose, xylose, galactose, and arabinose). There are also triterpene saponins, 4–6% flavonoids (quercetin, hesperidin, and kaempferol), vitamin A (carotene), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and even some trace and macronutrients, tannins, and coumarin. Linden blossom also contains 0.05% essential oil.
Linden Flower Tea Benefits to Health
Physiotherapists and traditional medicine practitioners claim that this tasty linden blossom drink is advantageous for the body and has many health benefits.
- Lime blossom tea is a healthy and tasty drink that has a restorative effect on the human body and can help cure many diseases.
- Lime blossom tea helps to reduce fever and has a diaphoretic effect. These reasons make this tea suitable widely in folk medicine to prevent and treat colds. It also increases the body’s resistance to bacteria and viruses.
- This tea is also beneficial for bronchitis and difficult coughing. The saponins contain dilute phlegm and help to remove it from the respiratory tract. The drink has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for sore throats.
- It can also remove undersized wounds and abscesses on mucous membranes.
- Lime blossom tea is good for the nervous system, normalizes sleep, and helps fight nervous tension and insomnia.
- It is also used to improve the functioning of the digestive tract by increasing the production of gastric juices and activating digestive enzymes. Drink lime blossom tea after a heavy, fatty meal.
- Linden tea also has a positive effect on the blood circulatory system. It strengthens the blood vessels and increases their elasticity.
- Lime blossom tea has antioxidant properties. Linden tea prevents the onset and development of cancer.
- It lowers ‘harmful’ cholesterol in the blood.
- Lime flower tea does not cause a sudden spike in glucose and removes toxins from the body.
- It positively affects hair, skin, and nails.
- Linden flower tea has hypoglycemic properties and people with type 2 diabetes can drink it.
- Lime blossom tea is an excellent remedy for fighting obesity. It contains substances that not only speed up metabolism but also lipolysis. This tasty drink actively breaks down fat cells and removes them from the body.

Linden Flower Tea Benefits Women’s Body
The drink helps to normalize a woman’s hormonal background, regulate the menstrual cycle, and alleviate PMS symptoms. On critical days, linden blossom tea can help relieve aching pains in the lower abdomen.
Linden tea is also helpful for women during menopause, as it reduces hot flashes, normalizes blood pressure, reduces irritability, and prevents severe mood swings.
Lime tea also has a rejuvenating effect on the female body and speeds up the metabolism. It is a low-calorie product and is perfect for women who care about their figure.
Lime Blossom Tea During Pregnancy
Expectant mothers can safely include linden flower tea in their diet during pregnancy. This drink has pronounced diuretic properties and helps combat swelling.
As you know, during pregnancy, women’s bodies become somewhat exhausted. Their immunity is significantly weakened. Lime blossom tea is beneficial for colds and viral disease prevention, so experts recommend that expectant mothers regularly consume this delicious and therapeutic drink. Lime blossom tea can strengthen the immune system, calm and improve digestion, normalize sleep, and provide the expectant mother’s body with beneficial substances.
Linden Flower Tea Benefits Breastfeeding Mothers and Babies
Breastfeeding mothers also can enjoy a cup of linden flower tea. This excellent tea is positive for both the woman’s body and the baby. Lime blossom tea increases the amount of breast milk. It meant that women, who want to breastfeed their baby for longer should drink this beverage. The drink nourishes the mother’s and the child’s bodies with beneficial substances. It strengthens the immune system, helps to soothe the baby’s abdominal cramps, and helps to cope with colds, viral diseases, coughs, and chills. It is an excellent alternative to antipyretics, which mothers should not use during breastfeeding.
Important! Linden flower tea is recommended for breastfeeding women no more than 3–4 times a week.

How to Prepare The Raw Material?
Lime blossoms are harvested during their flowering period. This should preferably be done in June, at the beginning of flowering. The flowers with wings are best suited for making tea. Start picking material when most flowers bloom.
You should harvest the raw tea material in the morning. The weather should be warm and dry. Otherwise, it would be problematic to dry the flowers. Pick the flowers by hand or with pruning shears. Only whole, natural-colored flowers are suitable for tea. Do not pick flowers from lime trees growing in industrial areas or near main roads and motorways.
Once picked, the blossoms can be dried on a drying rack in a well-ventilated room or under a roof. It is important not to dry lime blossoms in direct sunlight. Spread lime blossoms once a thin layer, then cover them with cheesecloth or a similar cloth. When drying, the blossoms should be gently but thoroughly stirred 2 to 3 times a day to prevent them from rotting or decaying.
Store dried lime blossoms in a dark and cool place in glass jars, paper bags, ceramic jars, or natural material bags. Plastic containers are not suitable.
If you store lime blossoms in a jar, do not close it tight, as the dried blossoms need to breathe. You can use a linen cloth instead of a lid. If all the storage rules are followed, dried linden blossoms can retain all their beneficial and health-promoting properties for up to 2 years.

Classic Linden Flower Tea
You need to know how to brew tasty, fragrant linden blossom tea with all its healing properties. Here are some of the most popular recipes for lime blossom tea:
Steep 1 teaspoon of green or black tea and ½ tablespoon of dried lime blossom in 200–250 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 10–15 minutes. Add honey or another sweetener to the tea.
Soothing Linden Blossom Tea with Lemon Balm and St. John’s Wort
This linden blossom tea, including the benefits of lemon balm and St. John’s wort, will calm stressful situations or insomnia.
Mix 1 teaspoon of lime blossom with 1 teaspoon of lemon balm and 1 teaspoon of St. John’s wort. Pour 400–450 ml of boiling water over this mixture. You can add sugar, honey, or other sweeteners to the tea.
Lime Blossom and Rosehip Tea—A Real Vitamin Bomb
Linden flower tea with rosehips will replenish your body with essential vitamins.
Crush 20–25 dried rose hips berries, put them in a glass container, and pour 1 liter of boiling water over them. Add 2 tablespoons of dried linden blossom and 2-3 tablespoons of crushed dried fruit, whichever you like. It is recommended to wash the dried berries before adding them. Close the container tightly with a lid and leave for 30-35 minutes. Afterwards, strain and sweeten the tea.
Tea for colds. Place 3 tablespoons of dried linden blossom in a container of your choice and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Leave the infusion to stand for 45 minutes, then strain. Add 200 ml of hot, boiled water. Drink this tea warm 2-3 times daily, 1 cup immediately after meals.

Linden Flowers in Cosmetics
Lime flowers have many healing properties and are widely used, not only in folk medicine but also in cosmetology. People use basswood blossoms for healing decoctions, infusions, and lotions. They slow aging, help reduce inflammation and acne, smooth fine lines, and rejuvenate the skin.
Benefits of Linden Blossom Tea for Facial Skin
We should all cleanse our facial skin and keep it healthy. Natural remedies, such as lime blossom, could help to do this. Lime blossoms contain many beneficial substances that help to eliminate cosmetic skin imperfections.
- Glycosides help to remove accumulated toxins and improve complexion.
- Tannins, which have antimicrobial and tonic properties, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
- Salicylic acid lightens age spots, helps fight acne, and participates in cell regeneration processes.
- Vitamins protect against the harmful effects of the external environment and contribute to skin rejuvenation.
- Lime blossom can help treat all skin types. They moisturize when the skin is dehydrated. It removes oily shine and rashes when the skin is oily.
- Clean your face from make-up before starting the treatment. Apply a mask less than twice a week.
Decoction of Lime Flowers for The Face
A lime blossom decoction is recommended for daily facial cleansing. It can also be added to masks. This decoction moisturizes and brightens the skin and eliminates wrinkles.
Pour half a teaspoon of lime blossom over a glass of water and slowly boil over low heat. Simmer for 20 minutes, then strain. Once the decoction has cooled down, it can be used.
You can make ice cubes from the lime blossom decoction, which you can use to cleanse your face in the morning and evening to tone, reduce puffiness, and smooth wrinkles. The lime blossom decoction is poured into ice cube trays and placed in the freezer. After 7-8 hours, the lime blossom ice is ready for use.
Lime Blossom Face Compress
The lime facial compress is an effective remedy for eliminating inflammation, swelling, and acne. Prepare a decoction of linden blossom and soak a towel or gauze napkin. Apply the moistened cloth to your face for a few minutes. Repeat the procedure 5-7 times, then rinse with boiled water. Beforehand, add apple cider vinegar to the boiled water in the ratio of 500 ml of water to two teaspoons of vinegar.

Linden Blossom and Dill Facial Tonic
You can use lime blossom tonic for daily face washing in the morning and evening. You don’t need to rinse it, just let it dry. It helps fight inflammation and spots and tones on aging skin.
Mix 0.5 tbsp. of dried lime blossom and 0.5 tbsp. of dill. Pour 2 glasses of boiling water over the mixture, leave to stand for 2 hours, and then drain.
If there is some leftover lotion after the treatment, store it in the fridge for up to two weeks.
Linden Flower Tea Face Mask with Chamomile
The linden flower tea mask, with the beneficial properties of chamomile, helps to get rid of age marks and dryness and reduces wrinkles.
Mix 1 tablespoon each of linden and chamomile flowers and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. Take 1 tablespoon of sour cream, add a few drops of decoction, and stir. Apply the mask to the skin, and wash it off after 25 minutes with a decoction of linden blossom or tonic.
Lime Blossom and Honey Mask with Lemon
This lime blossom tea and honey mask removes oily patches and fights acne and inflammation.
Mix 3 tablespoons of liquid honey with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of lime blossom decoction. Apply the prepared mask to the skin and wash off after 15 minutes with warm, then cool water.
Side Effects of Linden Flower Tea
Although linden flower tea has many health benefits, you should avoid it in particular situations. If you are hypersensitive to the composition of the tea or have allergic reactions, you shouldn’t drink or use it externally. Do not abuse or drink daily for long periods, as this can cause heart and nervous system problems. The maximum recommended duration of consumption of lime blossom tea is 3 weeks. After that, a break of 10–14 days is mandatory.
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