Damiana is a plant and small shrub growing in some of America’s areas. However, supplements from this plant are already available in some countries. It is known what ailments Damiana treats. However, this article will not focus on its supplements but rather discuss Damiana tea. We will tell you what makes Damiana tea unique. Let’s get to know Damiana tea benefits.
What Is A Damiana?
Damiana or Turnera diffusa belongs to the Passifloraceae family. It is not surprising that Damiana and passionflower tea have the same purposes: aphrodisiac features and stimulation of passion.
Damiana is a small, woody wild shrub. It is native and grows naturally in Texas, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. It was used as an aphrodisiac here before the Spanish invasion. When the Spanish reached American shores, they took over the tradition of using Damiana in folk medicine. However, scientific research supporting the aphrodisiac effect of Damiana is insufficient to prove this effect. People continue to use it both to stimulate libido and treat a variety of other sexual problems.
Damiana flowers are small, yellow, high-scented, and bloom from early to late summer. It produces fig-like fruit in late summer. Not only the flowers are fragrant, but the whole bush. Its scent is similar to that of chamomile.

The Fascinating History of Damiana As A Medicine
Damiana leaves are used in a traditional Mexican liqueur and some alcoholic Margarita cocktails today. It is quite a popular drink in the Los Cabos region of Mexico.
Interestingly, Damiana leaves were used as an ingredient in some patent medicines from the 19th century. One of these was Pemberton’s coca wine. It was an alcoholic drink marketed as a cure for mental and physical exhaustion, stomach irritability, constipation, and many other ailments. However, only high society could drink it.
Pemberton later tried to create a non-alcoholic medicine based on his coca wine, which also contained Damiana leaves. The first attempts at such a medicine became the earliest version of the famous Coca-Cola.
Damiana Tea Benefits
Despite its many uses, Damiana tea has a long history as a potent aphrodisiac and a remedy for various sexual health problems. As mentioned, the science does not support this theory, but research is ongoing. The results of some studies are promising. For example, a study with mice confirmed that the libido of male mice increased significantly. However, Damiana hadn’t an effect on females.
Folk medicine used Damiana to treat various other ailments and diseases. However, thousands of years of tradition continue to be passed down through the generations.
The benefits of Damiana tea are:
- to treat sexual problems. For men, it increases stamina and promotes sexual arousal. For women, it helps reduce vaginal dryness, helps them become aroused, and helps them have an orgasm faster
- Women also use Damiana tea to regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve menopausal symptoms
- It helps relieve headaches
- The tea treats bladder and urinary tract problems. Damiana tea is considered to be particularly effective in overcoming bedwetting
- It helps with constipation and nervous-based stomach upsets
- Increases mental and physical stamina. It is used to relieve symptoms of depression

What Is Damiana Tea Made of?
Damiana tea is made from dried Damiana leaves. These are harvested when the plant blooms.
Unfortunately, you can’t grow Damiana in some countries, and you can’t dry the leaves yourself. However, buying Damiana tea is not a problem.
By the way, Damiana tea has a pleasant, slightly bitter taste. The taste is earthy, with fruity notes and a light aroma.
Damiana tea is caffeine-free.
Damiana Tea Side Effects
In small doses, Damiana tea is considered safe for most people, but not everyone. This tea should avoid:
- pregnant and breastfeeding women
- children
- people with liver problems
- people with diabetes should drink Damiana tea in moderation or refrain from drinking it. It can affect blood sugar levels and cause hypoglycemia
- because of the effect on blood sugar levels, it is advisable to stop drinking Damiana tea at least 2 weeks before the planned surgery
Because of its brain and nervous system stimulation effect, always check with your doctor before using Damiana tea. Remember not to exceed the recommended dosage because it may cause hallucinations.
The recommended dose is less than 2-4 g of dried Damiana herb.
Damiana Tea to Stimulate Passion
Aztec women used Damiana tea to attract men. So, this tea acts as an aphrodisiac. And there’s only one way to find out if it’s true: you should try it yourself.
- ½ tsp. of Damiana leaves
- ¼ tsp each of sarsaparilla root powder, rose petals, and cinchona
- ½ tsp. of crushed ginger root or powder
- 1 cup of water
Cover all the ingredients with boiling water and simmer them for 1-2 minutes. Leave it to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Drain.
Use: drink warm or cold; 1 cup/day is the maximum amount.

Damiana Tea Benefits: A Recipe to Improve The Mood
This tea is ideal after a hard and upsetting day. After all, everyone has them. When you’re melancholic, anxious, having upset thoughts, or even depressed, this tea will make you feel better and brighten your day.
- 1 tablespoon of Damiana leaves
- one teaspoon of rosehip berries
- 1 tsp. of dry chamomile or passion flower
- ½ tsp. hawthorn berries
- 1 cup of water
Cover all the ingredients with boiling water, and simmer for about 4–5 minutes. Leave it to infuse for 5–10 minutes. Drain.
Use: drink a cup once a day.
Damiana Tincture for Love and Passion
This tincture is more like a liqueur or other sweet drink. However, it should be taken as a medicine and dosed in drops. Use it to flavor tea or coffee, or take a few drops before bedtime.
Like all tinctures, this one takes time to prepare. However, the result should be satisfying.
- 1 cup of dried Damiana leaves
- 1 tsp. of cinnamon
- 2 tbsp. maca root powder
- 1 tsp. of licorice root
- 1 cup of honey
- ¼ cup rose water
- 1 cup of water
- 2.5 cups of brandy
- a few drops of vanilla extract
- Pour the brandy over the Damiana leaves, cinnamon, licorice, and maca root powder in an airtight glass jar. Store the mixture in a dark place for 5 days. Shake occasionally.
- When the alcohol tincture is ready, heat the water over low heat and add honey.
- Pour the strained tincture and rose water into the dissolved honey. Stir very well.
- Pour the prepared tincture into a clean, sealed glass bottle. Add the vanilla extract and close tightly.
- Store it in a cool, dark place for several weeks.
- Use a few drops to flavor tea, coffee, or any other favorite drink.

- https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-703/damiana
- https://www.healthline.com/health/damiana-ancient-aphrodisiac
- https://amodatea.com/blogs/amoda-tea-blog/make-your-own-aphrodisiac-herbal-infusion
- https://www.homsted.com/blogs/homsted/diy-damiana-love-cordial/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6429218/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3040867/
- https://www.uwlax.edu/globalassets/offices-services/urc/jur-online/pdf/2000/helmrick_and_reiser.pdf
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