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Matcha Tea Benefits for Skin (And Other Science-Backed Health Uses)

Popular as a comfort drink, matcha has invaded every menu in coffee shops. It’s everywhere, from beverages to delectable desserts, dyed green with matcha’s Insta-worthy hue.

But did you know there are plenty of health benefits to drinking matcha tea? So, if you consider yourself a green monster, you’ll surely enjoy this post.

Read and learn matcha tea benefits for skin and other science-backed health uses!

What is Matcha Tea Made Of?

Matcha Tea Tools

Matcha is a type of green tea that originated in 9th-century China. The tea would then become prevalent in Japan in the 12th century, holding the center stage for its long-standing tea culture.

In traditional green tea, you boil the leaves to extract their flavor. But with matcha, you grind the dried tea leaves into powder and mix it into the beverage.

Matcha makers in Japan use Camellia sinensis to make the powder, the same plant used in black, green, and oolong teas. However, it’s grown differently in a more controlled condition.

Unlike conventional teas, matcha contains more amino acids and caffeine. The careful and precise production preserves more antioxidants, contributing to the immense health benefits of matcha tea.

Five Skin Benefits of Drinking Matcha Tea 

So, how can your skin profit from drinking this fan-favorite tea? Here are five benefits of matcha tea you should know about:

1. Anti-inflammatory Properties

Matcha is naturally anti-inflammatory due to its high flavonoid content. 

Flavonoids are compounds found in plants, offering various health purposes, from being an antioxidant to reducing swelling and fighting cancer cells.

Studies found that flavonoids present in green tea facilitate faster wound healing. They also possess anti-bacterial properties, offering protection against various infections.

So, if you ever sustain bruises from accidents or whatnot, treating yourself to a piping matcha tea could just be what you need!

Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder

2. Eliminates Free Radicals

You’re likely familiar with the term “free radicals” while hunting for that perfect skin care product. They’re unstable molecules that damage the cells, wreaking havoc on your skin and organs.

Free radicals can cause plenty of harm to your skin, from wrinkles, early aging, blemishes, and loss of elasticity.

Here’s where matcha tea is proven to be valuable.

Matcha possesses plenty of catechins, a compound found in tea plants serving as natural anti-oxidants. Catechins eliminate the free radicals in your system, preventing cellular damage and aiding in maintaining healthy skin.

Adding matcha to your diet increases your antioxidant intake and may help prevent skin issues and other chronic diseases caused by free radicals.

3. Combats Photo-Aging

Have you ever wondered why matcha tea sports such a rich green? That’s thanks to its abundant chlorophyll content.

As you’re likely aware, chlorophyll is necessary for plant food production. But did you know this compound shields your skin from UV exposure, too?

By mitigating harmful radiation, you’re less likely to experience photo aging.

Photo aging refers to the skin damage caused by long-term sun exposure. It can make your skin look old, with wrinkles, melasma spots, and other hideous symptoms.

In short, matcha might be the ally you’re looking for to fight premature skin aging!

4. Helps Reduce Acne

Acne breakouts can be a fatal blow to your confidence. If you’re prone to these skin conditions, a daily cup of matcha tea may help.

But in what way can matcha reduce acne? 

Well, it’s mainly thanks to its EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate. It’s a catechin that helps control sebum production in your skin, one of the culprits of acne growth.

When ingested, EGCG also aids in balancing an imbalance in hormones, another common cause of breakouts. By binding with androgen receptors, the EGCG regulates your hormone activity and curbs oily skin.

But that’s not all.

The powerful antioxidant brightens the skin tone, reduces wrinkles, and improves hydration. It rejuvenates skin cells and supports skin structure as well.

5. Promotes Blood Flow in the Skin

Another wondrous benefit of consuming matcha is radiantly glowing skin—thanks to its potent concentration of methylxanthines.

Methylxanthines are alkaloids present in coffee, chocolate, and green tea. They widen your blood vessels, promoting healthier blood circulation to extremities, including your skin surface.

Improved blood flow provides many benefits, from muscle to organ function. But it also enables a healthy supply of oxygenated blood and nutrients to the skin.

The result is a skin that’s visibly clearer and brighter. Of course, don’t forget to combine matcha tea with a nutritious diet and exercise.

Other Health Usefulness of Matcha Tea

There are plenty of studies supporting the health advantages of matcha. Aside from healthier skin, drinking this lush green beverage could:

Bamboo whisk and matcha powder

Enhance Brain Function

Some components of matcha tea enhance cognitive function. It boosts focus, reaction time, and recall better than conventional energy drinks.

Unlike coffee, matcha tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid. L-theanine increases attention and alertness without the energy crash that follows caffeine consumption.

Protect Liver Function

The liver is a crucial organ that flushes toxins out of your body. Excessive alcohol, irregular eating habits, and fast foods harm this vital organ, though.

If you have one of such routines, including matcha tea in your daily menu might benefit your liver. Over a dozen studies indicate that individuals who consume green tea have a lower risk of developing liver diseases.

Improve Heart Function

Apart from liver protection, experts also attribute matcha tea consumption to a decreased risk of several heart diseases.

Researchers have shown green tea to lower blood pressure—with even greater effectiveness on people suffering from high blood pressure or heart risk factors. This outcome is thanks to matcha tea’s ability to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, matcha tea does offer numerous benefits for your skin. It helps with inflammation, eliminates free radicals, combats aging from UV exposure, reduces acne, and promotes a clearer complexion.

And if those aren’t enough, the rich green beverage boosts the brain, shields the liver, and supports the heart, too. With all these health uses, matcha is a tea we suggest you should never spill!

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