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Mamaki Tea Benefits & Side Effects You Didn’t Know About

Medicinal Native Hawaiian Mamaki Plant

Thousands of years ago, tea was cultivated and used for its medicinal and healing properties in ancient China. Nowadays, it’s a soothing drink served in a variety of methods, whether iced, hot or with milk.

That said, the people drinking tea generations ago had it right. Teas boast lots of medicinal benefits. The Hawaiian native, mamaki tea, is no different. The plant’s vibrant leaves, when brewed, offer a healthy antioxidant and nutrient-rich drink to sip on.

Stick around to learn more about mamaki tea, including why you should drink it and its possible side effects.

Mamaki Tea: Overview

Hawaiian Mamaki leaf

Before diving into the benefits of its tea, let’s discuss the mamaki plant itself. Mamaki plants are native to Hawaii. They’ve been around the island long before humans inhabited it.

The fleshy plant is often associated with vitality and health in Hawaiian culture. These associations likely come from the exceptional medicinal properties of the mamaki plant. After all, the Hawaiians used mamaki plants for their lā’au lapa’au, or herbal medical practice.

Despite being a nettle plant, mamaki leaves don’t sting. They thrive in a humid and tropical environment synonymous with Hawaiian habitats.

Generations ago, Hawaiians often viewed the mamaki plant as sacred and benefited from every part of it. For example, the plant’s berries were used to treat open wounds thanks to their anti-fungal properties. The mamaki’s bark was also taken advantage of in textile production.

Meanwhile, the plant’s roots were prized for their dying ability. Lastly, and most importantly, the mamaki’s leaves were essential to brewing the medicinal tea.

What Are the Benefits of Mamaki Tea?

From its antioxidant properties to its blood pressure regulation, mamaki tea has lots to offer when it comes to health benefits. Here are some to sip on.


One of the first benefits when discussing mamaki tea is its abundance of antioxidants. These antioxidants can improve respiratory and liver function. Besides that, the Hawaiian plant contains a variety of polyphenols, or powerful antioxidants, including:

  • Rutin: The polyphenol helps by fortifying your blood vessels, further promoting better blood flow and preventing clot formation.
  • Catechins: This antioxidant enhances brain function and helps you regulate your blood pressure. It also reduces platelet clumping and inflammation risks.
  • Chlorogenic Acid: In addition to providing similar benefits as catechins, chlorogenic acid also improves your gluten tolerance and prevents weight gain.


Even though mamaki tea is caffeine-free, that doesn’t mean it’s one of those relaxing teas that’ll put you to sleep.

Instead, the Hawaiian plant boasts invigorating benefits. Its composition holds antioxidants that stimulate brain activity, making you feel more productive and ready for the day.

Plus, caffeinated drinks tend to leave you feeling jittery and stressed. The opposite is true for mamaki since it elevates your stress levels and promotes balance.

Dried Mamaki leaves


A study conducted in 2022 examined the anti-cancer and chemo-preventative properties of mamaki tea.

The research looks at multiple brewing methods to extract the most beneficial and medicinal results.

Now, this tea is particularly useful in this study because of its large dose of antioxidants. The compound is crucial in anti-cancer research since it tackles free radicals that damage your body’s healthy cells.

Rainforest Conservation Efforts

Mamaki tea leaves play an essential role in the Hawaiian rainforest. They’re critical to the green environment and serve to support several surrounding organisms.

Interestingly, this isn’t news to Hawaiians generations ago. They used to dub the mamaki a “forest fixer” over 400 years ago.

The plant offers shelter to one of Hawaii’s native butterfly species, Vanessa tameamea or the Kamehameha butterfly. It’s also referred to as pulelehua.

The species has experienced challenges because invasive species and deforestation have left it homeless and vulnerable to harsh external elements. The pollinator is now experiencing a population decline, leaving it on the edge of endangerment.

Besides the butterfly, mamaki plants also offer housing to other organisms like the Udea moth, happy-spider face, and Hawaiian tree snail.

What Invasive Species are Harming Mamaki Plants?

Mamaki plants are under threat from various invasive species, including:

  • Mamaki Rust: Discovered in 2013, this is an ailment that targets the plant’s leaves and lets them drop early, stunting its growth.
  • Ramie Moth: These tiny organisms like to munch on mamaki leaves. Despite living alongside Kamehameha butterflies, the species tends to be more aggressive, hissing and thrashing around.
  • Polyphagous Shothole Borer: Unlike the Ramie moth, this tiny beetle likes to feed on the mamaki plant’s bark. It drills tunnels through the bark and farms its fungi food source.

Are There Any Possible Side Effects of Mamaki Tea?

The good news is that there are no serious side effects to drinking mamaki tea. Some mild side effects may include a bit of insomnia. In turn, you can sip this tea in the morning to prevent nighttime restlessness.

Mamaki Tea Taste

After learning of all the health benefits mamaki tea has to offer, you’re likely wondering, what does it taste like? Well, on its own, the herbal drink is mildly sweet with earthy notes.

Unlike other teas like oolong or green, mamaki isn’t as bitter-tasting.

You can make it into a refreshing iced tea or pair it with other herbs and flavors, like peppermint, ginger, lemon, or lemongrass. To add a dash of extra sweetness, you can infuse a spoonful of honey.

To Conclude

What are the benefits of mamaki tea? In short, each sip will offer plenty of antioxidants and cancer-fighting advantages.

Mamaki tea is especially perfect for those with caffeine sensitivity, thanks to its caffeine-free composition.

Apart from all of its health and wellness benefits, mamaki tea offers a distinctive, rich, and refined taste.

So, on your next trip to Hawaii, don’t forget to order some for a more authentic taste since it’s the plant’s homeland.

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