Lemon verbena, also known as lemon beebrush, is an aromatic plant native to South America. People have been using this herb for a long time as they believe in its numerous health benefits.
It’s true that the various forms of the plant come with multiple benefits. However, some of the claimed benefits are baseless. Want to know what’s real and false?
In this article, we’ll provide you with the science-based lemon verbena tea benefits as well as its potential side effects.
The Benefits of Lemon Verbena
Due to the limited studies on the plant, only a few benefits of lemon verbena are proven. However, the few conducted studies show some interesting benefits.
The following are the benefits that were demonstrated in reliable studies:
Improves Recovery for Athletes
The ample plant compounds found in lemon verbena can be highly beneficial for athletes because of their ability to protect cells and speed up recovery.
This is what a study on 44 athletes has found. In that study, athletes consumed lemon verbena extract during, before, and after intensive exercise. They continued to do so for 15 days.
The results showed that the herb extract led to better recovery, less muscle damage, and less post-workout pain.
Another study supported the previous findings. In that study, researchers gave athletes 400 milligrams of lemon verbena extract during and before exercise for ten days.
The results showed that the athletes experienced less muscle pain and damage compared to the placebo group.
Moreover, lesser-known studies show the impact of lemon beebrush on alleviating joint pain.
Given these special properties, lemon verbena can be a valuable addition to your diet or supplementation plans if you engage in regular sports activities.

Enhances Sleep Quality
Research has found that lemon verbena can help people with sleep issues overcome them.
In a study on 100 people with insomnia, researchers found that consuming 10 mL of the herb in the form of syrup at night helped them fall asleep quickly.
It also improved their sleep quality and time compared to the placebo group. A similar animal study found that this herbal tea has a significant calming effect.
Based on the findings of the studies, adding lemon beebrush to your diet can be helpful if you have trouble sleeping.
Helps with Weight Loss
Research about the effect of lemon verbena on weight loss is still limited. Nonetheless, a few studies have found that this herbal tea can have an impact on weight control.
In a study on mice, researchers provided these rodents with a high-fat diet for six weeks. They gave a group of those mice lemon verbena and didn’t provide the others with the herb.
The group who ingested the herb experienced significantly lower fat buildup than the other group.
This wasn’t the only study in this regard. Research on 54 obese people who consumed lemon verbena extract found similar exciting results.
The participants consumed herb extract for eight weeks. Researchers found that throughout this eight-week study, participants experienced a reduction in ghrelin, the hunger-promoting hormone.
At the same time, they experienced a significant increase in the fullness-promoting hormone.
It’s worth mentioning that researchers combined hibiscus with lemon verbena in the study. So, the results are attributed to both herbs.
In a nutshell, more research is still needed to provide decisive proof of the effectiveness of this herbal tea in controlling body weight.
However, research conducted so far suggests its effectiveness as an anti-obesity agent.
Reduces Anxiety and Stress
The best way to end a hectic, stressful day is to unwind and relax. Having a cup of lemon verbena can be an excellent choice to complement this experience.
This herb contains the verbascoside biological component, also known as aloysia citrodora, that helps reduce anxiety and stress.
It also can help relieve muscle tension and calm the nervous system.
Protects Against Cell Damage
Lemon verbena consists of a myriad of valuable substances, including terpenoid and phenolic compounds. This makes it rich in antioxidants and has exceptional inflammatory properties.
In addition, the plant leaves contain verbascoside, a Polyphenol compound with strong antioxidant properties.
That’s why test-tube and animal studies have proven that lemon verbena enhances the body’s defense and prevents cell damage.
The Side Effects of Lemon Verbena Tea
In addition to its fantastic benefits, this herbal tea has a few side effects for some people.
The following are these potential adverse effects:

Can Have Harmful Effect on Kidneys
Although it doesn’t affect the kidneys of healthy people, lemon verbena can negatively impact individuals with kidney problems.
That’s why we recommend avoiding lemon beebrush tea if you have any kidney issues.
Potentially Unsafe for Breastfeeding and Pregnant Women
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using lemon verbena essential oil or consuming any form of the plant.
This is because there’s a potential relationship between using this herb and increasing the chances of congenital disabilities.
May Cause Stomach Upset
The consumption of this herb in a supplementation form is associated with stomach upset in some people.
However, it can cause the same problem for a few people when consumed as an herbal tea.
May Result in Drowsiness
Ingesting this herbal tea can cause drowsiness in some people due to its calming properties.
The chances of this effect occurring rise with the increase in herb consumption and when combined with alcohol.
The Bottom Line
Besides its unique, beloved taste, lemon verbena tea has multiple benefits. The herbal tea’s impact on improving sleep quality comes on top of them.
It’s also highly effective in preventing cell damage and improving recovery for athletes. It may help in weight loss as well.
In addition, this herbal tea can reduce anxiety and stress and help you unwind after a long, stressful day.
That said, you need to be aware of the rare adverse effects of this tea. Some research suggests that it’s unsafe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Others state it may have potentially harmful effects on the stomach and kidneys for some people.