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Hops Tea Benefits: A Healing Tea and Beauty Treatment Product 

Hops Tea Benefits: A Healing Tea and Beauty Treatment Product

Bittering hops have been used for brewing beer and mead since ancient times. The plant has been so crucial in some cultures in ancient times that there were fines for appropriating foreign hops, and in the 18th century, some regions even collected tribute in hops. However, it is not only the alcoholic beverage industry that is responsible for the exceptional value of this plant. Hops tea benefits can help solve more than one health or cosmetic problem. Today, folk wisdom and extensive scientific research have confirmed this.

Climbing Relatives of Cannabis

If you’ve ever spotted hops in the woods or on the banks of waterways where they thrive best, you probably know this plant is a genuine climber. It grows to 8 meters long and likes to wrap nearby trees or other supports. However, if the hops are on the ground, you can simply overlook them. The plant does not usually produce flowers without support.

Hops (Humulus lupulus) is a perennial plant of the hemp family. Although they do not naturally contain any intoxicating substances, they share several similarities with cannabis. Both plants are rich in terpenes, essential oils, flavonoids, and other substances beneficial to the nervous system. Interestingly, the most valuable part of the plant is the cone-like cones of the hop plant, which grow only on female plants.


Can Hop Cones Grow in Your Garden?

Hops naturally occur in many parts of Europe, North America, and Asia. You can successfully grow the plant in your own garden or homestead. All you need to do is choose a fertile and, preferably, moist, shady spot with provided support for the plant. Do not plant hops near roads or other polluted areas, as they quickly absorb toxic substances from the environment or contaminated soil.

You can easily find hop seeds in the market or collect them from the plants in nature. The plant blooms around mid-summer and the hop cones form around August–October, which is the best time to collect them. Be aware that the whole plant is covered in coarse hairs, which are unpleasant to touch with your hands. Take care of plants while picking hop cones, as the plants are sensitive. Harvesting too many cones at one time can cause irreversible damage to the plant.

Hops Tea Benefits

Although you can find several preparations in pharmacies that contain hop extract, the most common medicinal use is dried hop cone tea. In which cases can it be useful for you? Learn more about hops tea benefits.

Hops Tea Benefits

1. Hop Cones Fight Anxiety and Insomnia

Methylbutenol, the substance in hop cones that gives hops their bitter flavor, has a calming effect on the body and causes drowsiness. Combined with the high content of essential oils and other mildly nerve-suppressing substances in hop cone tea, it is an excellent choice for a restful night’s sleep.

2. Hops Tea from Cones Improve Digestion

The high amount of bitter substances in dried hop cone tea has a very positive effect on the digestive system. These substances stimulate the secretion of gastric juices, thereby stimulating digestive processes and intestinal peristalsis.

3. Hops Tea Suppress Pain

The pain-relieving effect of hop cones is closely linked to their anti-inflammatory properties. The abundance of antioxidants, terpenes, and essential oils relaxes the cramping and painful muscles and affects inflammation. Of course, this effect is not as intense as that of pain relief tablets, but it promises better results in the long term and reduces the risk of side effects.


4. Hop Cones Are Antibacterial

Hop cone tea can help you resist the cold season and bacterial illnesses. A warm drink of hops will also help with respiratory diseases, making it easier to expectorate and remove mucus accumulated in the lungs. Hops are also renowned for their antifungal properties. So, if a fungus attacks you, you can treat yourself to a decoction of hop cones.

5. Promotes Fluid Elimination

This hops tea benefits stimulate your metabolism and aids in the elimination of stagnant fluids from the body. This is particularly useful for colds and restoring the body after poisoning, prolonged debilitating stress, or illness. Hops cone tea can benefit a wide range of liver or kidney problems. It is essential to consult a doctor about further use in sophisticated ailments or medication. 

6. For Nurturing Beauty Treatments

Did your mothers and grandmothers rinse their hair with country beer? If so, you should know that this natural beauty remedy is based on the active ingredients of hops, and a decoction of hop cones is sufficient to achieve the desired effect. It will help to relieve the itching of the scalp, reduce dandruff, and give your hair elasticity and shine. Hops positively affect the facial skin, especially if you suffer from acne or inflamed wounds.

How to Make Hops Tea Successfully?

How to Make Hops Tea Successfully?

Are dried and crushed hop cones already on your shelf? 1-2 teaspoons are enough for one cup of tea. Pour boiling water over it and steep covered for 10–15 minutes. Enjoy the subtle aroma of hops and a restful night’s sleep and other hops tea benefits.

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