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Cardamom Tea Benefits: Incredible Heals and Stimulates Passion 

Cardamom tea

The aroma of cardamom is hard to confuse with that of other spices. It has an air of calm, warmth, and home. After saffron and vanilla, it is the world’s most expensive and popular spice. And not just any spice. Cardamom has been used as a medicine since ancient times. Cardamom tea warms you up, soothes, relaxes, and helps maintain good physical health. This spicy tea is an effective aphrodisiac and ensures good sexual men’s performance. We share, what cardamom tea benefits are the most valuable and how to make it delicious. 

Cardamom: Characteristics and Distribution 

Cardamom (Elettaria) belongs to the ginger family. The true cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is the only species in the genus. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, 2-4 m tall, with a rhizome. The leaves are lanceolate or ovate, arranged in two rows on the sides of the stem. The flowers are irregular, clustered in panicle-like inflorescences growing at the base of the above-ground shoot. They bloom in white or pink flowers. 

The fruit of the cardamom is a three-lobed spherical or egg-shaped box containing 15-20 seeds. It is these seeds that are the aromatic spice of cardamom. The seeds ripen in pods throughout the year. They ripen at different times. People can only harvest the cardamon by hand, one by one, selecting the unripe ones before they burst and scatter the precious seeds. 

Cardamom grows naturally in India and Sri Lanka. People cultivate it in many tropical and sub-tropical regions or grow it indoors. 

Cardamom characteristics

A Little Bit of Cardamom History 

Cardamom has been known and used in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. In Europe, the Romans were the first to use it, but it was not until the Middle Ages that cardamom became more popular and well-known. At that time, it was sold in pharmacies as a medicine. And, by the way, it was enormously expensive. However, it was believed that there was no disease that cardamom could not cure. 

Today, cardamom remains a popular spice in the cuisines of India, Pakistan, and West Asian countries. Coffee flavored with cardamom is a kind of symbol of hospitality in Arab countries. 

In Europe, cardamom is probably the most popular spice in Scandinavian countries. Here, people use it most often to flavor sweet baked goods. 

What Is Specific About Drying Cardamom? 

Cardamom differs from many other spices. First, people harvest the pods before they are fully ripe. Second, they need different drying techniques.

Thus, cardamom fruits are only hand-picked after the plant is 2 years old. The pods are picked before ripe to prevent the seeds from falling out. They are then dried in direct sunlight to prevent them from opening. The drying process is then stopped, the fruit is moistened, and the pods are dried again until they fully dry. 

It is best to buy cardamom only in pods, not ground. The second one loses its smell, taste, and valuable properties quickly. It is best to grind the seeds just before use. On the other hand, unground cardamom pods last for an extremely long time and retain all their best qualities inside the seed box. 

Cardamom seeds

Cardamom Tea Benefits  

As far back as 3000 years ago, the Chinese used cardamom to treat digestive disorders. Indian and Pakistanis used it to treat sore throats, tooth and gum infections, tuberculosis, and obesity. Cardamom is used for coughs, headaches, stomachaches, and impotence in Ayurveda. In medieval Europe, cardamom was used to treat any illness. And, by the way, in many cases, it helped. 

And what are the benefits of cardamom tea, according to modern research? 

  • Cardamom tea can help lower blood pressure. This effect determines cardamom’s diuretic and antioxidant properties. 
  • It removes toxins and has anti-inflammatory properties. Tea is a successful treatment for chronic, persistent, and autoimmune diseases. 
  • It ensures good body blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and protects them from calcification. Cardamom tea can help prevent thrombus formation. 
  • It soothes, relaxes, warms, and strengthens the nervous system. Suitable for sensitive, anxious children. Children with abdominal cramps or digestive disorders, and with a nervous basis should consume cardamom tea.
  • It regulates gastric juices, improves digestion, and ensures good intestinal function. 
  • Cardamom tea treats gums or oral mucosal inflammation. 
  • It is also effective in counteracting ‘bad’ breath. Cardamom is antibacterial and successfully fights off most mouth bacteria.
  • This tea is used in Ayurveda to balance the thyroid gland when it is overactive. 
Cardamom tea benefits

Recommended Daily Intake of Cardamom 

As great as the health benefits of cardamom tea sound, the medieval apothecaries were partly right: cardamom is more of a medicine than a spice. That is why there is even a scientifically recommended daily intake of cardamom. 

You should consume no more than 500 mg/day of cardamom powder or extract. 

Who Is Not Recommended to Take Cardamom and Cardamom Tea? 

Cardamom is a strong spice with a distinct taste and smell. It is naturally challenging to consume much of it. It is safe for most people to use it judiciously as a spice and tea source. However, some people should not consume cardamom tea:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • if you are allergic to cardamom. The same situation occurs if you have an intolerance to cardamom and ginger. 
  • in the case of a gastric or duodenal ulcer.
  • thyroid disease, when the thyroid gland is underactive.

Cardamom Tea for Toxin Removal 

It is traditionally used in Ayurveda to remove toxins from the body. This tea is also calming and relaxing, improves sleep, and calms the nervous system after a stressful day. It is also suitable for children but a little less cardamom when making tea. 


  • 1/3 tsp. of ground cardamom 
  • 1 cup of milk 
  • 5 almonds 


Rinse the almonds in hot water, peel them, and put them in a saucepan with the milk and ground cardamom. Bring to the boil for 2-3 minutes, then strain. 

Suggested use: best taken at bedtime. 

Cardamom tea

Cardamom Tea Benefits for Coughs and Colds 

This tea will not only warm you up and help you get well, but it will also improve your mood, calm you down, and relax you. Then your recovery will be much easier and faster. 


  • 2 cardamom pods 
  • 3 black peppercorns 
  • 2 garlic cloves 
  • cinnamon stick 
  • 2 cm long ginger root (crushed) 
  • 2 tbsp. of milk 
  • 250 ml of water

Preparation: put all the ingredients (except the milk) in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil. Leave it steep for 30 minutes. Drain, pour into a cup, and add the milk. You can add a teaspoon of honey. 

Use: drink a cup twice a day. 

Cardamom tea

Cardamom Tea Benefits for Digestion 

This tea is particularly effective for digestive disorders, pain, and nervous cramps. It solves digestive problems, soothes and relaxes, and relieves nervousness, anxiety, and tension. It is also suitable for children suffering from nervous tension. 


  • 1/3 tbsp. of ground cardamom 
  • 1/2 tsp. of fennel seeds 
  • 2 mint leaves 
  • 1 glass of water


Put all the ingredients in a saucepan, boil it, and cook for 1-2 minutes. Leave to infuse for 10–15 minutes. Drain. 

Use: drink a cup 1-2 times a day. 

Cardamom Tea for Overeating 

This tea will help with overeating, indigestion, an upset stomach, or difficulties with fatty, heavy, or excessive food. 


  • 1/3 tsp. of ground cardamom 
  • 1/3 tsp. of ginger powder or grated ginger root 
  • cloves 
  • 1 glass of milk

Preparation: put all the ingredients in a saucepan and boil. Leave to infuse for 10–15 minutes and drain. 

Use: drink as needed after meals, but no more than 1–2 cups/day. 

Cardamom tea

Cardamom As An Aphrodisiac 

Cardamom has long been associated with benefits related to good sexual health. This tea helps men with impotence, while it acts as a powerful aphrodisiac for women and can help tempt any man. 

How do I make an aphrodisiac from cardamom? Mix cardamom, ginger, vanilla, and lemon peel in equal parts. Crush all the spices in a pestle and mortar, add them to a saucepan, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Leave to infuse for 1-2 hours. Drain and pour into a sealed glass bottle with a dispenser. Use it as a perfume and prepare for male attention. 

Cardamom spice

There are recommendations for those who want to start the morning invigorated and not lack energy throughout the day. Add a pinch of ground cardamom seeds to their morning coffee. 


Associative photos from © Canva. 

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