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Avocado Tea Benefits: An Unexplored Source of Health. May It Be Valuable? 

Avocado tea

Most people have heard about the benefits of avocados and often include them on their menus. This fruit has the name ‘butter of the forest.’ It tastes pleasant, has an excellent texture, and is appropriate for babies. But where do you put the avocado pit when you eat the flesh? You probably throw it away like many. Well, maybe you try to plant one. But did you know that avocado seeds make a delicious avocado tea? If you’re surprised, we invite you to read on and find out how avocado seed tea benefits your health and how to prepare this extraordinary avocado tea. We introduce you to avocado tea benefits.

Avocado Tea: How Is It Possible? 

If we were thinking about avocado tea and most of us have probably never thought about it, we might think about avocado leaf tea. And we would be right. You can make avocado tea from leaves, but avocado pit tea is just as delicious. 

Both are yummy and have an attractive aroma and a reddish-yellow color. At the same time, avocado tea has many health benefits. 

Avocado leaf tea can be complicated to prepare in some countries because it doesn’t grow there. Also, avocado leaves are not a common (or not available) product in shops and markets. It means the only way to make avocado leaf tea is to grow your avocados.  

Another option is to make avocado pit tea, which is easily prepared and readily available. 

Avocado tea benefits

Avocado Seed Tea Benefits

Avocado pit tea and various beverages made from avocado seeds appear to have been a common remedy in Aztec and Mayan civilizations. They used avocado tea to treat diabetes, digestive problems, and parasitic infections. 

Africans believe, that avocado pit tea benefits in reducing excessive blood pressure.

Other avocado seed benefits include carbohydrates, fatty acids, protein, minerals, and vitamins. Around 70% of all the antioxidants in the avocado are found in its seeds. 

The benefits of avocado seed tea for our health are the following:

  • The pits contain substances that can relieve the inflammatory symptoms of arthritis. 
  • Avocado tea is rich in dietary fiber, which makes it an excellent aid for the digestive system. It helps with diarrhea and stomach pain.  
  • The substances in the seeds stimulate collagen production, so they are an excellent means of maintaining skin elasticity, beauty, and youth. 
  • This drink has antioxidants, such as flavonoids and phenolics, which are known for their anti-cancer properties. They also help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 
  • Tea can help regulate and lower blood cholesterol levels. 
  • The substances contained in the bones reduce inflammatory processes in the body, thus helping to recover from chronic diseases and reduce oxidative stress in the cells. 
  • Avocado pit tea is also rich in vitamin C, which benefits our immune system. 
Avocado seed tea benefits

Avocado Leaf Tea Benefits 

If you grow avocados at home, you might try avocado leaf tea. According to research, avocado leaf tea is beneficial for colds, flu, stomach aches, arthritis, and high blood pressure. 

Avocado leaves tea benefits are the following: 

  • Avocado leaf tea can help remove kidney stones and prevent their re-formation. 
  • Drinking a cup of avocado-leaf tea three times a week can help lower blood pressure. 
  • This tea balances stomach acidity, treats stomach ulcers, and improves digestion. 
  • Avocado leaf tea helps the body break down fats and glucose, which can help control type 2 diabetes and reduce the risk of developing it. 
  • Tea relieves stress and nervous tension. It has relaxing properties and can even help control epilepsy seizures. 
    It also relieves headaches and muscle pain. 
  • Avocado leaf tea reduces asthma symptoms. 
  • It is also rich in antioxidants, which protect cells from free radicals and remove them from the body. 
Avocado leaves

Is Avocado Tea Safe for All People? 

There is limited research, investigating the benefits or possible harms of avocado leaf or pit tea. Generally, scientists are more interested in the effects of avocado pit extract on our bodies. However, even these studies are not yet conclusive. The available results are not reliable and often lead to contradictory conclusions. 

The scientific consensus is that avocado pit extract should be taken carefully. However, no such recommendation is suggested for avocado tea. 

Avocado Pit Tea Recipe

The preparation of this tea takes no effort. All you need is avocado pits, water, and maybe a little honey or other sweetener, as this tea has a mild bitter taste. 


  • 1 avocado pit 
  • 2 cups of water 
  • 1 tablespoon of honey, agave syrup, or other sweetener. 


  1. Boil the water in a saucepan and throw in the avocado pit. Boil for 5 minutes. 
  2. Clean the stone, chop it into smaller pieces, and put it back in the pot. Boil for about 10 more minutes. 
  3. The tea is ready to drink when it turns a bright red color. The color will be stronger if you boil it longer. 
  4. You should strain and pour into cups. Refine with honey or another sweetener. 
  5. Tip: When cooking the avocado pit, add ginger root, cinnamon stick, anise, cloves, or cardamom. This will add extra aroma, flavor, and health benefits. 
Avocado pit tea benefits

How to Make Avocado Tea from Leaves?

This tea has a slightly bitter taste, a greenish-yellow color, and a pleasant, earthy aroma. It is milder than avocado pit tea. So, if you grow avocados at home, try to make and taste one cup of avocado leaf tea. 


  • 2-3 dried avocado leaves 
  • 1 cup of water 
  • 1 tsp. honey or other sweetener

Preparation: cover the avocado leaves with boiling water and leave to soak for 10–15 minutes. Drain and taste. A slice of lemon or orange is very suitable. 

Avocado leaf tea benefits

Avocado Pit Tincture for Pain Relief 

This liquid is a remedy to help relieve muscle and joint pain. The tincture should only be used externally.  


  • 2 avocado pits 
  • ½ l of quality vodka 


  1. Crush the avocado pits, grind them into flour, and place them in a glass container (bottle or jar). 
  2. Pour the vodka over the avocado, close tightly, and leave for 15 days in a dark, cool place. 
  3. Shake daily. 
  4. Afterward, use only externally for compresses. 

Use: The tincture can be used as a poultice, applied to sore areas. Rub or massage it into these areas. For external use only. 



Associative photos from © Canva. 

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